I wanna write this blog quite for a while. I have contacted with several cancer patients and invited them to review our products. They did review our products and gave out honest advices. Here I will talk about how to pick out a wig when hair is gonna fall out. People ask this question all the time when they want to get their first wig. So I decided to share something I’ve learned. I’ve by no means a wig expert. But I do have a couple of tips that hopefully be helpful.
So the first, what I want to talk about is real hair versus synthetic hair. It’s nice to have real hair because it can change up style when you want to have it curly one day or straight the next. You can also dye the hair. It’s real just like when you with more hair. So there are definitely some good things to be have real hair.
But with synthetic hair, it’s nice because the way you buy it, it’s the way that the wig will look as it is. If you wash it, it’s gonna go back. Especially when you’re going to cancer treatment, you don’t want to spend a ton of time when you’re not feeling so good. If you buy a wig that is very curly with synthetic, it’s gonna stain curly. If you are a cancer, get synthetic hair is a good choice.

The second thing is long hair versus short hair. If you can plough the short hair look, you can definitely go with that. They will last longer because they don’t have that function rubber on your back or your shoulders. For longer wig, it would be a fabulous looking but a little bit boring on caring.
Now when you go to pick out a wig, try to find out a lace front wig or with bands. You could choose a wig which can part it anyway you want. So I definitely recommend doing the lace if you don’t wanna go with fake at all. You may ever bought cheap wigs about $60 or $70 but I think you don’t wear them any more because they don’t look good and don’t last very long. So it’s worth spending a little bit more money .
I definitely advice you go to “UniWigs” online website and check out all beautiful wigs. Uniwigs Lavivid wigs are made of high-end quality Synthetic wigs. You will find a wig that fit your description perfectly. If you guys think of any other advice to give cancer patients for picking out a wig, leave comments below because you never know who you may be helping. You can use coupon code” lilyablog” to get 10% discount.
Hope all of these help a lot.