From Special Styles to Lasting Memories: Mastering Hair Pieces for Unforgettable Occasions

Hair pieces, those multifaceted embellishments of coiffure, take center stage when the curtain of sophistication, elegance, and a hint of glamour is raised. In the orchestration of special events, they emerge as indispensable accessories, the harbingers of an elevated style and the architects of unwavering self-assurance. With the panache of a seasoned virtuoso, hair pieces have etched their place in the annals of must-have adornments, providing that distinctive layer of sartorial finesse and poise.

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In the grand tapestry of this all-encompassing guide, we embark on an odyssey into the realm of employing hair pieces for special occasions. Herein, we methodically dissect the process into four indispensable movements, each as vital as the last. As the curtains rise, you’ll be enlightened on the intricate dance of selecting the perfect style, for your hair piece becomes the prima ballerina of your ensemble. And, as the performance progresses, we delve into the mastery of maintaining this diva of elegance and grace. It is in this grand narrative that you shall unearth the secrets of leaving an indelible impression at your next special event, leaving a symphony of style and confidence in your wake.

The Perfect Style

Selecting the right style is paramount when it comes to using hair pieces for special occasions. Your hair piece should harmonize seamlessly with the theme and tone of the event. Let’s explore various styles and how to choose the one that suits your occasion.

Updos and Buns

For formal events like weddings and galas, updos and buns are classic choices. These styles exude elegance and sophistication. Hair pieces that complement these styles should offer volume and intricate designs to add a touch of luxury.

Flowing Waves

Flowing waves are ideal for romantic and bohemian-themed occasions. They create a soft and ethereal look. When using a hair piece with flowing waves, select one that seamlessly integrates with your natural hair, ensuring a natural and effortless appearance.

Intricate Braids

Braids are versatile and work well for both formal and casual events. For a special occasion, consider a hair piece that incorporates intricate braids. This can add a touch of uniqueness and sophistication to your hairstyle.

Sleek and Straight

A sleek and straight style exudes modern elegance. It’s perfect for upscale events and cocktail parties. When choosing a hair piece for this style, opt for one that offers a seamless blend with your natural hair, maintaining a sleek and polished look.

Curls and Volume

For events with a touch of glamour, such as red carpet affairs, curls and volume are your best friends. Hair pieces designed for this style should provide ample volume and bounce to make a bold statement.

Color Consideration

The color of your hair piece is equally important. It should either match your natural hair color or complement your outfit and makeup. A well-coordinated color scheme ensures a cohesive and elegant look.

Quality Matters

When it comes to special occasions, the quality of your hair piece can make all the difference. High-quality pieces not only look better but also offer better comfort and durability. Let’s delve into the key aspects of quality.


The material of your hair piece is crucial. For special occasions, human hair pieces are often the preferred choice due to their natural look and versatility. High-quality human hair pieces can be styled, colored, and treated just like your own hair.


The construction of the hair piece matters. Look for pieces with a well-constructed base or cap. A comfortable and breathable base ensures you can wear your hair piece throughout the event without discomfort.

Remy Hair

Remy hair pieces are considered the pinnacle of quality for human hair options. In Remy hair, the cuticles remain intact and aligned, resulting in a smooth, natural appearance. These pieces are an excellent choice for special occasions where flawless looks are non-negotiable.

Heat-Friendly Synthetic Options

If you prefer synthetic hair, consider heat-friendly options. They provide the flexibility of styling with heat tools while maintaining the ease of care associated with synthetic hair.


High-quality hair pieces often offer customization options. This includes selecting the hair type, color, length, and density that align with your preferences. Customization ensures your hair piece feels tailor-made for your special occasion.

Maintenance Matters

To ensure your hair piece looks impeccable during the entire special occasion, proper maintenance is essential. Let’s explore the key aspects of maintaining your hair piece.


Pre-Event Preparation

Before the big day, it’s crucial to wash and style your hair piece. Use a mild, sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner specifically designed for your type of hair piece (synthetic or human hair). Follow the care instructions provided with your hair piece.


For a seamless look, style your hair piece before attaching it. Whether it’s straightening, curling, or adding volume, ensure your hair piece is styled to perfection to complement your chosen look for the event.


Attach your hair piece securely before the event. Ensure it’s comfortable and positioned correctly to avoid any discomfort during the occasion. If you’re unsure about the attachment process, seek professional assistance.

In-Event Care

During the event, it’s a good idea to carry a small care kit with you. This kit can include a brush or comb, bobby pins, and a small amount of your chosen hair product for touch-ups if needed.

Post-Event Care

After the special occasion, you’ll need to remove and properly care for your hair piece. Gently detangle it using a wide-tooth comb or a specialized brush, and follow the washing and conditioning instructions to maintain its condition.


Storing your hair piece correctly is essential. Use a wig stand or a mannequin head to maintain its shape. Cover it with a breathable fabric or hair net to protect it from dust and environmental factors.

Professional Maintenance

For long-term care, consider professional maintenance and care services for your hair piece. Experts can handle any repairs or restoration, ensuring your piece continues to look its best for future special occasions.

Confidence and Grace

Last but not least, remember that the most important aspect of using hair pieces for special occasions is the confidence and grace they provide. With the right style, high-quality materials, proper maintenance, and a comfortable attachment, you can enjoy your event with poise and self-assured elegance.

Confidence Boost

Hair pieces are designed to make you look and feel your best. When you know your hair looks impeccable, your confidence soars, allowing you to fully savor the occasion.

Elegance and Grace

Special occasions call for a touch of elegance and grace, and a well-chosen hair piece can elevate your overall presence. It’s the finishing touch that ensures you stand out with poise and sophistication.

Unforgettable Memories

Your special occasion is a moment to cherish. With a meticulously chosen and maintained hair piece, you’ll create unforgettable memories while looking and feeling your absolute best.



Hair pieces for special occasions are more than just accessories; they are your secret weapon to exuding elegance, confidence, and grace. By carefully selecting the perfect style, opting for high-quality materials, mastering maintenance, and ensuring a secure attachment, you’ll be ready to shine at any event. Special occasions are opportunities to create lasting memories, and with the right hair piece, you can do so with impeccable style and self-assured grace. So, whether it’s a wedding, a gala, a red carpet event, or any other special moment, trust in the power of a well-chosen hair piece to make it truly unforgettable. To learn more, click on

Managing Hair Patches Holistically: Causes & Herbal Remedies

Hair patches, a common concern among many individuals, can be a source of frustration and impact one’s self-esteem. These localized areas of hair loss, also known as alopecia areata, can manifest suddenly and unpredictably. Fortunately, there are ways to effectively address hair patches. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore four strategic steps to help you deal with hair patches effectively.

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Understanding Hair Patches

Our journey toward effectively addressing the enigmatic issue of hair patches begins with a deep exploration of this intricate phenomenon. Hair patches, more formally known as alopecia areata, represent a complex dermatological condition that has long baffled both medical professionals and those who experience it.

  • The Enigmatic Nature of Hair Patches

These enigmatic hair patches manifest as sudden, localized areas of hair loss, often presenting as small, circular or oval regions of baldness. The key to comprehending this enigma lies in understanding that it arises from an autoimmune response wherein the body’s immune system erroneously attacks its own hair follicles. This peculiar immune misjudgment results in the unsettling loss of hair, and the manifestation of hair patches is merely one facet of this complex condition. Some individuals may suffer from isolated patches, while others endure more extensive hair loss.

  • The Intriguing Causative Factors

To begin our exploration of hair patches is to venture into the intricate labyrinth of causation. The etiology of alopecia areata, although rife with hypotheses, remains largely elusive. Genetics play a pivotal role, as a genetic predisposition increases susceptibility to this condition. However, it’s imperative to recognize the influence of environmental factors and emotional triggers in the orchestration of this enigmatic phenomenon. The interaction of heredity, stress, and external influences has generated a multitude of theories among experts and researchers.

  • The Emotional Turmoil

What heightens the complexity of hair patches is the profound emotional turmoil they inflict on those affected. Hair, traditionally a symbol of identity, carries profound psychological significance. Consequently, the emergence of hair patches can lead to a profound existential crisis, marked by self-consciousness, diminished self-esteem, and, in severe cases, full-fledged despondency.

  • The Capricious Nature of Hair Patches

One hallmark of hair patches is their maddening unpredictability. These enigmatic anomalies can range from minor, isolated patches to extensive, widespread hair loss. What adds to the puzzle is the capricious nature of the condition. Hair patches may recede in one area only to reappear elsewhere, seemingly obeying an unpredictable and erratic pattern.

  • Diagnosis and the Medical Landscape

The intricate nature of hair patches necessitates the skills of a discerning diagnostician. Dermatologists and healthcare professionals employ their expertise to conduct clinical examinations, sometimes supplemented by small skin biopsies, to definitively confirm the diagnosis. Once diagnosed, the medical focus shifts to exploring available treatment modalities, such as topical applications, corticosteroid injections, and systemic treatments, all aimed at modulating the immune response.

Lifestyle Modifications for Hair Health

In our pursuit of managing and improving hair health, lifestyle modifications emerge as a pivotal component. This step encompasses a holistic approach that integrates dietary enhancements, physical fitness regimens, and stress management techniques to fortify the foundation upon which vibrant hair thrives.

  • Nutritional Fortification

The bedrock of any lifestyle modification for enhanced hair health is rooted in a well-balanced diet. Nutritional excellence is achieved by incorporating an array of vital nutrients, each meticulously choreographed to nourish hair from within.

– Biotin: Often referred to as vitamin H, biotin plays a pivotal role in hair health. This water-soluble B vitamin is instrumental in maintaining hair strength and vitality. Sources of biotin include eggs, nuts, and leafy greens.

– Vitamin E: An essential antioxidant, vitamin E serves as a shield against oxidative stress, which can detrimentally impact hair follicles. Incorporating foods such as almonds, sunflower seeds, and spinach is crucial for obtaining this protective nutrient.

– Vitamin D: Vital for hair growth, vitamin D stimulates hair follicles to promote regrowth. Natural sources of vitamin D include sun exposure, fatty fish like salmon, and fortified dairy products.

– Iron and Zinc: These essential minerals are pivotal in maintaining robust and lustrous hair. Iron assists in transporting oxygen to hair follicles, while zinc supports the regeneration of hair cells. Consumption of foods like red meat, lentils, and seafood is instrumental in maintaining adequate levels of these vital minerals.

– Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in fatty fish like salmon, as well as plant-based sources like chia seeds and flaxseeds, omega-3 fatty acids are replete with anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation in the body and avert hair loss.

  • Exercise as a Catalyst

Regular physical activity is not only a boon for overall well-being but also a potent catalyst for superior hair health. Exercise bestows an invaluable gift to hair follicles through the amplification of blood circulation. This surge in blood flow facilitates the delivery of essential nutrients and oxygen to hair follicles, contributing to improved hair growth and overall hair health.

  • Managing Stress: A Hair Health Imperative

Stress, often a silent assailant, is a significant contributor to hair loss. Chronic stress disrupts the hair growth cycle, leading to hair patches and general hair loss. It is in the management of stress that individuals can commence their journey to hair health. Employing stress management techniques such as yoga, meditation, or mindfulness can diminish stress levels, ultimately bolstering hair regrowth and overall well-being.

  • Holistic Lifestyle Factors

Beyond the realms of nutrition, exercise, and stress management, there are other lifestyle factors that exert a profound influence on hair health. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption should be avoided, as they can impair hair health. Adequate sleep is fundamental, as the regenerative properties of sleep extend to hair health. Moreover, protecting one’s hair from excessive heat, chemical treatments, and UV radiation through sun protection measures all contribute to a holistic approach to hair health.

Herbal and Natural Remedies

In this segment, we embark on a journey into the realm of herbal and natural remedies, where the intrinsic power of botanical elements takes center stage in the quest to address and ameliorate the vexing concern of hair patches.

  • Onion Juice: A Potent Elixir

Onion juice, though unconventional, has burgeoned into prominence as a potential elixir for hair restoration. The pungent vegetable is rife with sulfur, a mineral of paramount importance in the synthesis of collagen and stimulation of hair follicles. Application of onion juice to the afflicted regions may elicit hair regrowth, thereby effusing an aura of promise and efficacy.

  • Green Tea: An Oasis of Antioxidants

Green tea, an oasis of antioxidants, is held aloft as a veritable sentinel against the depredations of free radicals. These pernicious molecules are renowned for their ability to assail hair follicles, occasioning hair loss. The topical application of green tea extracts beckons as a guardian of hair health, endowing the scalp with a fortifying defense mechanism. Moreover, the polyphenolic prowess of green tea furnishes an invaluable resource to those grappling with hair patches, attenuating inflammation and fostering a rejuvenated scalp.

  • Coconut Milk: Nature’s Conditioner

Coconut milk, a natural hair conditioner of repute, abounds with essential fats and nutrients that fortify the hair’s structural integrity. When lovingly massaged into the hair and scalp, this botanical bounty bequeaths a tapestry of texture, strength, and luster, affording a concealed visage to the depredations of hair patches.

Scalp Massage and Essential Oils

In this segment, we delve into the therapeutic realm of scalp massage, a time-honored practice, and the application of essential oils as a dynamic and holistic approach to addressing hair patches and fostering vibrant, resilient hair.

  • Enhancing Circulation: The Quintessence of Scalp Massage

Scalp massage, a venerable technique celebrated through the annals of time, emerges as the pinnacle of our journey towards addressing hair patches. At its core lies the profound capacity to enhance blood circulation to the scalp, a fundamental aspect of nourishing hair follicles with oxygen and essential nutrients. This augmented circulatory flow serves as a catalyst for hair growth, reviving dormant follicles and breathing life into lackluster strands.

  • A Remedy for Scalp Tension

Tension in the scalp, often an insidious adversary in the realm of hair health, can be a precipitating factor for hair loss and the emergence of hair patches. The therapeutic overture of a well-executed scalp massage unfolds as an invaluable means of unraveling the knots of tension and enveloping the recipient in a serene cocoon of well-being. By diffusing scalp tension, this practice not only contributes to hair regrowth but also acts as a potent antidote to the harrowing presence of chronic stress, a frequent harbinger of hair patches.

  • The Essential Oils Ensemble

Essential oils, the aromatic essences distilled from nature’s botanical treasures, assume their hallowed place in this therapeutic symphony. Lavender, rosemary, and peppermint, each with its unique attributes, unite to compose a harmonious concerto that resounds across the scalp.

  • Lavender’s Tranquil Refrain

Lavender, the gentle maestro in this ensemble, captivates with its calming and soothing notes. Beyond its aromatic allure, lavender oil’s anti-inflammatory and stress-reducing properties cast a spell, transforming the massage experience into a therapeutic sanctuary. This tranquilizing note not only enhances the massage itself but also fosters a serene ambiance for both the scalp and the spirit.

  • Rosemary’s Resonance

Rosemary, with its invigorating and herbaceous resonance, plays a pivotal role in this therapeutic symphony. Esteemed for its capacity to stimulate blood circulation and fortify hair follicles, the application of rosemary oil during scalp massage encourages hair regrowth, adding a revitalizing crescendo to the experience.


Dealing with hair patches effectively is a multi-faceted process that involves understanding the condition, making lifestyle modifications, exploring herbal and natural remedies, and incorporating scalp massage and essential oils into your routine. By following these four strategic steps, you can take significant strides toward managing and potentially reversing the effects of hair patches. While results may vary from person to person, these methods offer a holistic and natural approach to addressing this common concern. To learn more about hair system , click on

Carrie lace front synthetic wig in Butter Scotch for review

I received the Carrie lace front synthetic wig in Butter Scotch for review! It came packaged nicely and I like that it came with the two combs that can be sewed in if necessary, two wig caps and a care instructions tag.

Carrie lace front synthetic wig in Butter Scotch for review
Carrie lace front synthetic wig in Butter Scotch for review

The wig itself is surprisingly realistic! It’s super soft and looks and feels like real hair! It smells nice too! Like a straight from the salon shampoo smell, not plastic or weird like some other wigs I’ve come across, so that’s nice! I raked my fingers through it over and over and there was no shedding at all! I then took a brush to it and still no shedding! That’s definitely a first for me!

Carrie lace front synthetic wig in Butter Scotch for review 1
Carrie lace front synthetic wig in Butter Scotch for review 1

The hairline is relatively realistic and doesn’t need much plucking. I love that this wig has a side part and goes all the way back to the crown! It is a little dense so a little plucking is necessary. But the density is actually a good thing because it covers the wefts! I was afraid the you might be able to see them but after inspecting the entire wig, they are completely unnoticeable! That’s always important.

Carrie lace front synthetic wig in Butter Scotch for review 2
Carrie lace front synthetic wig in Butter Scotch for review 2

The hair length is really nice and I love the face-framing layers. They really add to the overall realisticness of this wig! There is a bit of shine to the fibers as always when it comes to synthetic wigs but it’s nothing a good dry shampoo can’t fix! I used it on the roots and closer to the head only because the shine actually makes the ends look more like real, healthy hair! Speaking of roots; This is a personal preference, but I would love to see a shadow root on this wig! I think they look amazing with lighter colored hair and a good shadow root is universally flattering and always adds even more realness over all!

Carrie lace front synthetic wig in Butter Scotch for review 3
Carrie lace front synthetic wig in Butter Scotch for review 3

Cutting the lace was easy and putting it on was even easier! I didn’t need to use any glue, as the lace stayed down and didn’t budge. It was breathable and flowed very naturally when I moved. It also didn’t tangle, which could be in part of it being the perfect length or because of how soft the fibers are! Overall I am very happy with this wig and it’s quality! I would definitely recommend!

Wigs for wedding 2 – hair loss story

Amy Johnson, AKA @amyonwigs on Instagram, runs a group called Wig Wisdom on Facebook with her close friend @crazywiglady. They focus on educating and supporting women who are experiencing hair loss. You can also find Amy’s YouTube channel at:, which is also full of helpful videos for new and experienced wearers of alternative hair.

As I hung up the phone, a wave of dread overtook the perfect joy I had just experienced. My oldest son had called to let me know that he planned to ask his girlfriend, his soulmate, to marry him. All mothers pray for this moment-that their children will meet the right person to share their life with. And, I was beyond thrilled about this news. Visions of a perfect wedding flashed through my mind. Suddenly, they stopped abruptly on my head-my hair, actually. I couldn’t see the beauty of the bride and groom. I only envisioned the wedding photos and how I would ruin them with my messed-up hair. That was the way I saw myself-a balding photobomber who ruined every photo, every video. This moment that should have been celebrated turned into panic.

Over two decades ago, about 18 months after the birth of my second son, I began dealing with permanent hair loss. Most women experience hair shedding after they deliver a baby due to changes in their hormonal chemistry, but that gradually reverses itself and they regain any lost hair. It’s not permanent. However, that wasn’t the case for me. My hair just didn’t stop shedding, and what came out never returned. So, I went to see my OB/GYN and she referred me to a connective tissue specialist for an appraisal of my condition. The doctor took a scalp biopsy and told me that I had Androgenic Alopecia-a genetic or pattern baldness experienced by both men and women. It is inherited from one or both parents and can be triggered by hormones at any time after puberty. Hair is lost at the front, top, and the crown of the scalp. The hair loss can vary from thinning to complete baldness. It is estimated that around 50% of women over the age of 65 experience female-pattern baldness.

lavivid wigs reviews
lavivid wigs reviews

Now knowing that I had Androgenic Alopecia, I had to slowly come to grips with the fact that most of the hair I lost wouldn’t be coming back. I stopped coloring my hair because I could see that the chemicals in the hair dye caused me additional issues-weakening the hand strands and creating more fallout. Having a fully gray head at that age left me looking older than I was and older than my friends. But, I just didn’t see any other alternative. I struggled to style my progressively thinning hair, pulling it back in a sparse ponytail for many years and wearing fabric headbands to hide my thinning hairline. Yet every day, I knew it was getting worse, and I wouldn’t be able to camouflage it any longer.

As it turned out, the engagement announcement was the moment that led me to search for a resolution to my problem. Hitting YouTube hard, I watched dozens of videos about hair loss, which led me to wigs and wig review videos. Seeing that wigs were NOT the sweaty, molded-cap designs they were in years past, I started to entertain the idea of purchasing one. Certainly, I would have to do it quickly if I was going to find a wig and get used to wearing one before my son’s wedding. I purchased my first wig. I immediately fell in love with her, and she was in a price range that seemed reasonable for a first wig. The day she arrived, I was SO nervous! What if I looked terrible in a wig? I would have to attend the wedding and find places to hide to avoid the photographer. I know that sounds so vain, but women count on their hair to create their look. Without it, you have to redefine your identity. It’s not easy to do without your hair!

Wearing a wig to my son’s wedding gave me courage and built back up the self-esteem I had lost so many years ago. I got many compliments on my “hair,” and when the wedding festivities were over, I was ready to add to my alternative hair collection.

That’s when I discovered UniWigs, specifically the LaVivid Collection. I began wearing LIZ, a short bob with silky Kanekalon fibers. Her color, Java Shimmered, was simply gorgeous! It looked like I had just walked out of the salon with a new haircut, color, and highlights! I also own Natalie in the color Shadow Chestnut, and I adore her too!

It is amazing to me how something as easy as wearing a wig can boost a person’s self-confidence so greatly. I only wish I had known how incredible this was going to feel years ago, not having to suffer so long.

Wigs for Wedding

I purchased this Carrie Wig to attend my best friend’s wedding ceremony. And I think I may accidentally steal the thunder from the bride. LOL becaused I ve got lots of compliments for my beautiful hair on that day. I chose the 01R Almond Frost, a Rooted Blond color, which matches my skin tone very well.And if you are caucasion girl, get the 01R – Almond Frost Color, Believe me !!!

wigs for wedding
wigs for wedding

blonde wigs
blonde wigs

synthetic hair
synthetic hair

This Carrie Wig fits me perfectly. I really love its hair density: not too thick, not too little, just the right amount of hair for me. When I took it out of the box, I am kind of worried about the shine. But in fact when I go out with my friends wearing this Carrie Wig, no one can tell I am wearing a wig.

LaVivid Wigs Complaints and Reviews

“If you prefer a style with a bit of layers, this is the one for you. This short style is so liberating! I don’t think that I have ever felt so confident and completely natural in a wig, before trying this style!!!This is a synthetic wig, but it looks very expensive and elegant. It is comfortable to wear in summer.Highly recommend!I will buy another one soon!” – Liz

“I usually wear long wigs in Winter and short wigs in Summer. This short wig is beautiful. I like fringe and I can make it with my hand on this wig.The wig style is fashion and fabulous. I love it.” – Kate

“I have several wigs and enjoy most of them. However, this one is my favorite. It never needs anything other than a shake and you are ready to go. I get compliments on it every time I wear it. I am considering getting another color. You can’t go wrong with this one!” – Halle

“Love it..looks like my own hair. Bought another for back up and because I used too strong of a hair spray and cannot now get back to original texture. Have used wig shampoo and conditioner which did not do anything to restore back to original state.
Customer Service has not responded to multiple emails for advice..very disappointing as they were helpful in the beginning.”- Kate

“I have PCOS and suffered hair loss for many years. I have to wear wigs and I have many wigs in my closet. This wig is one of my favourite. It’s very comfortable. Sometimes I wish to have bangs and it’s easily to fiddle with the front hair. I’m happy with it.”- Liz

“My friend has cancer at stage 4. I can’t imagine how she being told at that time. I know many people use wigs, So I bought this one for her. She loves it so much. Thanks God this wig helps her out.”- Halle

High quality synthetic white women wigs

Today we want to share 3 of the new arrival high quality synthetic white women wigs from UniWigs LaVivid Collection. Good new is all of them are in sale now, 25% OFF with code NEW25 and this will be end on 2nd, July, 2018.


Alice Wig by LaVivid UniWigs is a super cute shoulder length Bob, which would work for a formal occasion, but it is also causal enough to be suitable for everyday. Made with high quality Synthetic Fiber, this Classic yet Trendy style looks and feels luxuriously silky and soft. This wig, styled to create a timeless and flattering look for every woman, features the lace front which creates the appearance of natural hair growth where the hair is parted. The open wefts on the back provide coolness and comfort. The ends of this wig are curled and swept underneath towards the face, beautifully framing the face.


This is a short and chic wig with an ultra sleek hair style. The unbalanced side swept bangs makes this pixie cut ultra unique, offering a flirty retro feel while being manageable and sophisticate. This edgy and dynamic wig can definitely give you a self-confident image. The ready-to-wear synthetic hair looks and feels like natural hair. It’s breathable and lightweight for a more comfortable fit. This wig is available in vibrant, multi-dimensional colors that reflect today’s hair trends. With this highly chic look, you’ll definitely be noticed everywhere you go.


This Wavy Elegance synthetic wig is is exquisitely long and lush. It is punctuated by soft, gentle layering that accentuates the undulating curl pattern throughout. The long layers falls to mid-back that creates this full, flowing silhouette. Each softly sculpted wave is designed to add interest and movement to this long style. You will definitely love the style. It is real head turner. The wig features the lace front which creates the appearance of natural hair growth where the hair is parted. The open wefts on the back provide coolness and comfort

LaVivid Wigs Memorial Day Sale 2018

It’s Memorial Day! How do you plan to do in this holiday after visit cemeteries and memorials Go shopping or just search online? I want to share one of my favorite synthetic wigs which looks really natural and high quality as a human hair one to all of women who want a short wigs for summer too.

LaVivid Wigs Memorial Day Sale 2018
LaVivid Wigs Memorial Day Sale 2018

This synthetic hair wigs is light weight and breathable. You will have 9 colors can be chosen from to match your own hair, even you can custom one if you want. The most important reason about why choose it because synthetic wigs is much cheaper than 100% human hair wigs.

And good news is, now you can get 25% OFF with code REMEMBER get a much cheaper price. This will end on 30th, May, so don’t miss it. Also if you want more white women wigs, go check the LaVivid Wigs Collection.