Hair patch for men -Redefining Style and Self-Assurance Initial Statement

The hair patch for men has distinguished itself as a game-changer among the many cutting-edge treatments that are now accessible. Men’s grooming has seen a tremendous transformation in recent years. Men have accepted their individualism and discovered new methods to express themselves through their looks, using both traditional haircuts and daring hairstyles. Regardless of their age or hair loss worries, men may now restore their confidence thanks to this ground-breaking method of hair restoration. We’ll go into the interesting world of men’s wigs in this piece, emphasizing how hair patches may completely change one’s appearance and have a beneficial effect on one’s confidence and sense of self.

Men’s wigs and hair patches are made-to-order hairpieces that flawlessly mix with a person’s hair to add volume and revive a youthful appearance. Usually made from premium human hair or synthetic yarn, these patches are painstakingly tailored to the wearer’s natural hair color, texture, and thickness. Hair patches offer a natural and invisible remedy for hair loss issues by combining cutting-edge technology and skilled craftsmanship.

Hair Patches’ Benefits :The potential of hair patches to boost confidence is one of its main benefits. For men, experiencing hair loss may be emotionally taxing, hurting their sense of self-worth and general well-being. Men may reclaim their feelings of self-worth and have confidence in their skin by using hair patches, which provide a fast and efficient solution.

Hair patches are also adaptable and customized, meeting a range of tastes and requirements. Hair patches may be customized to suit a man’s needs, whether he wants to completely change the look of his hair or only improve particular spots where his hair is thinning. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and manners of attachment, allowing for an appropriate fit and a natural-looking outcome.

Hair patches offer functional benefits in addition to cosmetic ones. They are a practical option for guys with busy lifestyles because they need little upkeep and are simple to wear. Men may participate in activities without being concerned about their looks because hair patches are resilient to environmental elements including wind, rain, and perspiration.

A non-invasive alternative to surgery is provided with hair patches. Although transplanting hair is a possibility for some people, it might not be appropriate for everyone owing to a variety of reasons. Men may try out various styles and appearances without committing permanently thanks to the safe and reversible option that hair patches offer.

The Social Impact :Beyond personal benefits, hair patches have a significant social impact. By empowering men to embrace their hair loss and find a solution that suits their needs, hair patches contribute to a more inclusive society. Men no longer need to hide their hair loss or feel embarrassed about it. Instead, they can confidently showcase their style and celebrate their uniqueness.

Furthermore, the popularity of hair patches has led to the emergence of specialized salons and stylists who offer professional guidance and support to men seeking hair restoration solutions. These establishments serve as safe spaces for men to discuss their concerns, receive expert advice, and undergo personalized fittings.

In a world where personal style and self-assurance hold immense value, men’s wigs have revolutionized the way men approach hair loss. Hair patches offer a seamless and empowering solution, allowing men to regain their confidence and redefine their appearance. With their versatility, customization options, and natural aesthetics, hair patches have transformed the lives of countless men by helping them embrace their individuality and feel proud of their hair. So, if you find yourself longing for a change or seeking to regain lost confidence, consider exploring the world of men’s wigs and unlock the transformative power of a hair patch.

Exploring Hair Patch Options :When considering a hair patch, it’s essential to understand the different options available. Two primary types of hair patches are commonly used: natural human hair patches and synthetic hair patches.

Natural human hair patches are crafted from real human hair, offering a remarkably authentic and realistic look. These patches can be styled, colored, and treated just like natural hair, providing a seamless blend with the wearer’s existing hair. Human hair patches offer versatility and a natural feel, making them a popular choice among men.

How to Use the Best Hair Patch : It’s crucial to consider a variety of factors while selecting a hair patch, such as desired level of maintenance, financial constraints, and personal preferences. Making a decision might be aided by getting guidance from a professional stylist or by visiting a specialty salon.

To guarantee a smooth transition between the hair patch and your natural hair, the stylist will evaluate the color, texture, and thickness of your hair. Additionally, they will consider your desired hairdo, enabling you to select a patch that matches your style and improves your entire look.

It’s crucial to communicate your expectations and concerns clearly to the stylist. This will help them customize the hair patch to your specific needs, ensuring a comfortable fit and a natural-looking result. The stylist may also provide instructions on how to wear, clean, and maintain the hair patch for optimal longevity and appearance.

Embracing Confidence and Style : Once you have chosen and obtained your hair patch, it’s time to embrace your newfound confidence and style. Experiment with different hairstyles, try out new looks and express your personality through your hair.

Remember that confidence comes from within, and the hair patch is simply a tool to enhance your self-assurance. Embrace your unique journey, celebrate your individuality, and let your hair patch be a testament to your resilience and self-expression.

It’s also essential to develop a routine for caring for your hair patch. Follow the stylist’s recommendations for washing, conditioning, and styling the patch to ensure it maintains its quality and appearance. Regular visits to the salon for adjustments and maintenance will help keep your hair patch in optimal condition.

Men’s hair patches have revolutionized the way men approach hair loss, offering a transformative and empowering solution. By understanding the different types of patches available and seeking professional guidance, men can confidently choose a hair patch that suits their style and needs. Embracing a hair patch not only restores hair but also revitalizes self-confidence and allows men to redefine their appearance. So, take the leap, explore the world of men’s wigs, and unlock the potential of a hair patch to enhance your style and embrace your individuality with pride.


Toupee Hair vs. Hair Transplants

Toupees vs. Hair Transplants in Hair Restoration

Hair loss is a widespread problem that may have a significant impact on a person’s confidence and self-esteem. However, with to developments in hair restoration procedures, there are now several treatments available to address this problem. Toupee hairpieces and hair transplants are two prominent solutions that people explore. In this thorough guide, we will examine these solutions in detail, evaluating their benefits, drawbacks, prices, maintenance needs, and overall efficacy. You will have enough knowledge by the conclusion of this article to make an informed decision about restoring your hair and recovering your confidence.

One of the primary benefits of toupee hairpieces is their non-surgical nature. Toupees provide a non-invasive method to hair replacement, making them an appealing option for those who are unwilling to undergo a surgical surgery. Furthermore, toupees might be a more cost-effective choice than hair transplants because they often have fewer upfront expenditures. They produce quick effects, helping people to get a full head of hair without having to go through a lengthy healing procedure. Furthermore, toupee hairpieces provide style and look diversity, with numerous kinds and textures available to suit diverse preferences.

However, there are several things to consider when using toupee hairpieces. Toupees may require frequent maintenance and care depending on the quality and kind chosen. To fix the toupee, adhesive or tape may be required, and frequent tweaks or replacements may be required to preserve its look. Furthermore, some people may find the wearing experience uncomfortable, especially in hot and humid circumstances. Consider these factors when considering whether a toupee is right for you.

Hair transplants, on the contrary hand, offer a long-term and natural-looking solution to hair loss. Healthy hair follicles are transplanted from the donor site (typically the back of the head) to the recipient site (where there has been hair loss). This enables for the regeneration of hair in previous bald or thinning places. One of the most significant advantages of hair transplants is their long-term outcomes. Once the transplanted hair follicles have established themselves, they will grow naturally, blending in with the existing hair. This removes the need for toupee hairpieces’ frequent maintenance and adjustments.

It is important to note, however, that hair transplants are a medical procedure that should be approached with caution. The therapy begins with a consultation with a competent specialist who will assess your suitability for surgery.Individuals with extensive hair loss or those seeking a permanent treatment may benefit more from hair transplants. It is critical to have reasonable expectations about the procedure’s results and to recognize that numerous sessions may be necessary to get the desired effect. Hair transplants also have a greater initial cost than toupee hairpieces.

When deciding on the best solution for you, consider aspects such as the degree of your hair loss, your budget, desired objectives, and personal preferences. Consultation with hair restoration specialists is essential for gaining a thorough grasp of each option’s appropriateness for your unique condition. They can offer experienced guidance, analyze your specific requirements, and direct you to the best option.


Understanding Toupee Hairpieces:

  • What is a Toupee Hairpiece?
  • – Definition and Purpose
  • – Types of Toupees (Lace, Skin, Synthetic, Human Hair)


  • Advantages of Toupee Hairpieces:
  • – Immediate Results
  • – Versatility in Style and Look
  • – Cost-Effective Option


  • Disadvantages of Toupee Hairpieces:
  • – Maintenance and Care
  • – Potential for Detectability
  • – Limited Lifespan


  • Choosing the Right Toupee Hairpiece:
  • – Finding the Perfect Fit
  • – Selecting the Right Hair Type and Color
  • – Considering Lifestyle Factors


Understanding Hair Transplants:


  • What is a Hair Transplant?
  • – Definition and Procedure Overview
  • – Types of Hair Transplant Techniques (FUE, FUT)


  • Advantages of Hair Transplants:
  • – Permanent Hair Restoration
  • – Natural-Looking Results
  • – Minimal Maintenance


  • Disadvantages of Hair Transplants:
  • – High Initial Cost
  • – Surgical Procedure and Recovery Time
  • – Potential Risks and Complications


  • Choosing the Right Hair Transplant:
  • – Consulting with a Hair Transplant Specialist
  • – Understanding the Scalp and Hair Characteristics
  • – Considering Long-Term Goals


Factors to Consider When Making a Decision:


  • Severity of Hair Loss:
  • – Assessing the Extent of Hair Loss
  • – Suitable Candidates for Toupee Hairpieces or Hair Transplants


  • Budget and Financial Considerations:
  • – Evaluating the Cost of Toupees and Hair Transplants
  • – Long-Term Investment vs. Upfront Expense


  • Lifestyle and Convenience:
  • – Maintenance and Care Requirements
  • – Impact on Daily Activities and Personal Routine


  • Desired Outcome and Expectations:
  • – Realistic Expectations for Hair Restoration
  • – Understanding the Limitations of Each Option


People who are experiencing hair loss can choose between toupee hairpieces and hair transplants, both of which are viable solutions. Making a decision between the two is reliant on a number of personal conditions that must be carefully considered.The degree of hair loss, monetary limits, desired objectives, and personal preferences are among these considerations.

Toupee hairpieces provide a non-surgical technique to hair replacement and have various benefits. They are a less expensive alternative to hair transplants, making them more accessible to a larger spectrum of people. Toupees also give quick results, allowing people to attain a full head of hair without undergoing an intrusive treatment. Furthermore, toupee hairpieces provide style and appearance variety. They are available in a variety of styles, including lace, skin, synthetic, and human hair, letting users to select the choice that best matches their interests and lifestyle.

Hair transplantation, on the other hand, are a long-term hair loss remedy that gives natural-looking results. This procedure includes transplanting healthy hair follicles from one part of the scalp to sections of the scalp that are balding or thinning. Hair transplant surgery is normally conducted by a registered professional, and the results are long-lasting. Once established, the transplanted hair follicles will grow spontaneously, fitting in with the existing hair.Furthermore, hair transplants require little maintenance after the healing procedure is complete.

It is important to contact with experts in the area while deciding between toupee hairpieces and hair transplants. They can offer experienced guidance that is suited to your individual requirements and circumstances. Consider the extent of your hair loss, since more significant hair loss may necessitate a hair transplant for optimum outcomes. Budgetary concerns are also important, as hair transplants have greater upfront expenditures than toupee hairpieces. Furthermore, intended goals and personal preferences influence decision-making. Some people like the convenience and fast results that toupee hairpieces give, while others prefer the permanent and natural-looking results that hair transplants bring.

Prioritizing your well-being is critical regardless of whatever choice you select. It is critical to choose a trusted supplier or specialist who can walk you through the procedure and assure the best possible outcomes. Conduct extensive research, read reviews, and seek referrals to identify a reputable specialist with hair restoration experience. As a result, you will be able to begin on your hair restoration journey with confidence, knowing that you are in experienced hands.

Remember that the decision to get a toupee hairpiece or a hair transplant should be based on your specific demands and circumstances. Both techniques have merits and might assist you in regaining your confidence and embracing a new look. You may have a head of hair that makes you feel terrific and enhances your self-esteem if you make the appropriate pick.


Do Men’s Wigs Look Real

Great style and flawless hairdo are not just for ladies. Men, too, yearn for the limelight. Half of the men experience signs of hair loss between the ages of 40 and 62. Men with moderate to severe hair loss may experience body image and self-esteem issues. The decline in confidence and self-esteem generates alternatives that serve to improve them.

Wigs for guys are a simple yet powerful way for them to express their individuality in the world. Wigs have become lifesavers in the lives of all men. The significant characteristic is the longevity and the fact that they can be styled for a short time.

You might wonder do men’s wigs look real or if your hair cap blends in with your forehead skin. This article will discuss why men wear wigs and where natural and exquisite wigs can be found.

Wigs 101

A wig is a hair item worn on your scalp to transform your hair’s appearance or mask hair loss. Men’s baldness wigs are also known as toupees, hairpieces, prostheses, or non-surgical hair replacement systems.

The cost, style, and look of wigs can all vary. Many low-cost wigs are synthetic, but high-end wigs are frequently made of natural hair and precisely fitted to sit naturally on the wearer’s scalp.

Modern wigs are available in various colors, textures, and sizes to accommodate almost every hair type. Many of us connect the phrase “wig” with clearly false hair; the fact is that many of the better quality wigs available at the moment seem relatively natural.

Most are crafted from natural hair and are intended to last for years before needing to be replaced. Some wigs use silicone or polyurethane bases that adhere to the scalp, while others employ a lace-based system that covers the wearer’s natural hair.

Can Men Put on Wigs?

Beauty trends and vanity inspire us to try things to save or improve our beauty. Women wearing wigs are still quite classy and have even soared in popularity over the past decade. Yet there is some raging debate about whether dudes should have a great hairstyle when theirs is lagging slightly because of this question, do men’s wigs look real.

Wigs That Look Natural

The variety of wearable hairstyles is expanding all the time. In many aspects, the synthetic hair fiber is essentially indistinguishable from natural hair. Furthermore, synthetic hair retains its style and form. This offers you a terrific look with minimal effort!

Wigs For Men Aren’t Nearly as Fashionable

Even though they are growing increasingly common. The objective is to avoid noticing that they’re wearing wigs. Men don’t appear to want to show off their wigs or hairpieces; thus, the good ones are nearly imperceptible.

Ironically, the wigs that stand out on men are not the finest! If you can tell a man is wearing a wig, it simply highlights the notion that wigs appear unnatural and are not a feasible choice for men.

Perks of Wearing Wigs in Men

Contrary to popular belief, men’s wigs for alopecia, also known as hair systems, can effectively mask hair loss and, when perfectly aligned to your natural hair color, can provide actual volume and depth to sections of your scalp with thinning hair.

  • Unlike hair loss treatments, wigs provide instant changes in the look of your hair. You don’t have to go through surgical or pharmaceutical procedures to look your finest.
  • Wigs, if you’re able to invest in a high-quality product, could also seem quite natural, notably if you select a style that complements your face and natural hair.
  • You don’t have to spend hours planning the hairdo you’ll wear for your key events. Put on the wig, and you’re ready to go.

Men can benefit from wigs in a plethora of ways.

Jaw-Dropping Types of Natural-Looking Wigs for Men

Do men’s wigs look real? You could have seen trendy wigs for the guys’ selection. We’ve put together a little guide on natural-looking male wigs so you can feel comfortable wearing yours.

1. Caps Fashioned with Monofilament

Monofilament wigs are necessary for achieving a healthy and realistic scalp and promoting natural flow within the wig. The word monofilament speaks to the wig cap and the delicate and wispy material it is fashioned of. Since you can separate your hair in several ways with this wig, you have more styling options.

2. Male Synthetic Wigs

Despite natural hair wigs being considered the most realistic element of a wig, synthetic fibers have particular attributes that make the ultimate style smoother and, thus, more easily manipulated. Because synthetic wigs can be styled and kept maintained in the same manner for a more extended period than natural hair wigs, they may enable you to achieve your desired look far more effortlessly.

3. Lace Front Wigs

Lace front wigs are an attractive substitute for natural-looking wigs for men since they produce a seamless impression owing to the fragile nature of the thin lace that covers the front. As the lace merges into the front of the wig, it achieves a virtually invisible finish, with the hairline looking ultimately absolutely natural.

4. Monofilament Hand-Tied Caps

Furthermore, hand-tied or stitched-in monofilament caps are available. And though the aesthetic is the same, hand-tied caps generate a covering of smoothness on the scalp; since there are minimal flaws, the wig will fit perfectly to produce an even layer for a more realistic look and feel general.

These kinds of wigs are incredible to view and prove that wigs may appear and feel natural.

Wrapping Up

Everybody knows that idols use wigs or wigs. Wigs for lads are becoming more trendy as the influences of our lifestyle take a toll on our natural hair. It’s a personal preference, but you aren’t obliged to go without a wig if you don’t want to!

Wigs can boost your confidence. We’ve prepared a selection of natural-looking wigs for guys that will make you appear irresistible. You can get these excellent and fabulous natural-appearing hair wigs for from Lavivid Hair. It pledges to serve its clients with incredible products at the most reasonable prices

Sensational Boomer’s Hair Loss Story

Anna is a blogger who loves to share different 60+ styles and travels. We can know she is a positive person from her normal blogs. On her Instagram,, you can see many beautiful pictures about clothes and places. She’s rare to share about her problem-hair receding.

At her younger age, Anna has great natural brunette hair, here are a few old photographs of me with various hair-styles (taken during the late 70s and early 80s)-have permed, dyed.

As years go by, her hair is going very thin, she took treatment, worn hair toppers and wigs. She has been used synthetic hair toppers for many years. As we know , there have pros and cros for synthetic topper. It’s light weight and cheap for synthetic topper, but human hair topper would last longer than synthetic hair topper.

The topper she wears in the picture is an Amber 12″ silk top real hair topper  in G4 medium brunette, which is virgin hair and fabulous quality, and because it is real hair, it means she can style it using straighteners, curlers and even a hair dryer, though on a low heat-below 200 centigrade.

We really appreciate that Anne is brave to share her story to us. If you want to read more stories about her. Link here:

Carrie lace front synthetic wig in Butter Scotch for review

I received the Carrie lace front synthetic wig in Butter Scotch for review! It came packaged nicely and I like that it came with the two combs that can be sewed in if necessary, two wig caps and a care instructions tag.

Carrie lace front synthetic wig in Butter Scotch for review
Carrie lace front synthetic wig in Butter Scotch for review

The wig itself is surprisingly realistic! It’s super soft and looks and feels like real hair! It smells nice too! Like a straight from the salon shampoo smell, not plastic or weird like some other wigs I’ve come across, so that’s nice! I raked my fingers through it over and over and there was no shedding at all! I then took a brush to it and still no shedding! That’s definitely a first for me!

Carrie lace front synthetic wig in Butter Scotch for review 1
Carrie lace front synthetic wig in Butter Scotch for review 1

The hairline is relatively realistic and doesn’t need much plucking. I love that this wig has a side part and goes all the way back to the crown! It is a little dense so a little plucking is necessary. But the density is actually a good thing because it covers the wefts! I was afraid the you might be able to see them but after inspecting the entire wig, they are completely unnoticeable! That’s always important.

Carrie lace front synthetic wig in Butter Scotch for review 2
Carrie lace front synthetic wig in Butter Scotch for review 2

The hair length is really nice and I love the face-framing layers. They really add to the overall realisticness of this wig! There is a bit of shine to the fibers as always when it comes to synthetic wigs but it’s nothing a good dry shampoo can’t fix! I used it on the roots and closer to the head only because the shine actually makes the ends look more like real, healthy hair! Speaking of roots; This is a personal preference, but I would love to see a shadow root on this wig! I think they look amazing with lighter colored hair and a good shadow root is universally flattering and always adds even more realness over all!

Carrie lace front synthetic wig in Butter Scotch for review 3
Carrie lace front synthetic wig in Butter Scotch for review 3

Cutting the lace was easy and putting it on was even easier! I didn’t need to use any glue, as the lace stayed down and didn’t budge. It was breathable and flowed very naturally when I moved. It also didn’t tangle, which could be in part of it being the perfect length or because of how soft the fibers are! Overall I am very happy with this wig and it’s quality! I would definitely recommend!

Alice Synthetic Wig – long bob wigs review

Today we are highly recommend a post for women who want a long bob wigs. Alice is a new arrival lace front synthetic wig, longer bobs are flattering to every face shape and they are a welcome change for the cooler weather.

Alice Synthetic Wig
Alice Synthetic Wig

Find why she love this hair and what make she highly recommend it to all of the women on her blog. Reveal a bit, she even love the original look of the wigs in the box. “In the box you can see how beautifully blended the colors are! Notice she’s in a hairnet. I NEVER get rid of the hairnets that my wigs arrive in. After every use, I put the wig back into the net. It helps retain the shape if I’m not going to wear it the next day!”

alice review
alice review

Also she loved the density of this wig: “Density is another quality I love in a wig. My bio hair, when I had all of it was incredibly thick and dense. Even now with my bald spots, the hair that remains is ridiculously thick and dense. So, you can probably imagine my concern when I took a better look at Alice.”

One more, The cap has some stretch making it larger-head friendly and the wefting is nice and close together. It is well-constructed! The color. Chocolate Caramel. A medium to darker brown base with golden, caramel and blonde highlights throughout. LaVivid got this right! The colors are so well-blended, nothing chunky or uneven. The highlighted strands look as though you spent a fortune at the salon to get that perfect sun-kissed look.

So you should really check how Monique said about it: “Go Ask Alice—She’s Not Ten Feet Tall But She’s A Great Head of Hair!


Launched in 2016, LaVivid line is a high-end wig collection of UniWigs. Wigs can turn your hairstyle up a notch for any occasion.
Whether you are looking for a long layered wigs or a short pixie cut wig with or without bangs, UniWigs offers the most chic and elegant styles you want.

Today, I want to talk about the fate that Sandy meet LaVivid Carrie Lace Front Synthetic Wig. Sandy is a fashion and beauty blogger. She is elegant and charming even she is over 50-year-old. She creates the on trend fashion for women over 50. Gorgeous hair gives beauty its power. A fashionable layered short hair is what Sandy’s usual hairstyle, she never tried a long hair like Carrie. So, when she got the invitation from UniWigs, here is what she said:

lavivid review
lavivid review

“I agreed to review the wig because I know a lot of mature women struggle with thinning hair and even hair loss and some balding issues. If I could help even just one beautiful woman struggling with any type of hair issue, It would certainly be worth the effort.”

Here is what’s her original intention to help more people with hair problems. A really beautiful and warm-hearted woman, isn’t she?

lavivid review 1
lavivid review 1

When she got the Carrie wig and tried on, she said:

“The Carrie wig is a bit longer than I am personally comfortable in wearing but it is a beautiful wig for someone who might be a bit younger and loves long hair. Uniwigs has many styles from short to very long, and everything in between. I thought the wig they sent me was very high in quality, and it was comfortable when I had it on.”

Anyway, Sandy is highly recommend UniWigs Carrie Wig. If you want to know more how she said Carrie and UniWigs Lavivid collection, please check on her blog:

Carrie Lace Front Synthetic Wig:

UniWigs Lavivid Collection:

Wigs for wedding 2 – hair loss story

Amy Johnson, AKA @amyonwigs on Instagram, runs a group called Wig Wisdom on Facebook with her close friend @crazywiglady. They focus on educating and supporting women who are experiencing hair loss. You can also find Amy’s YouTube channel at:, which is also full of helpful videos for new and experienced wearers of alternative hair.

As I hung up the phone, a wave of dread overtook the perfect joy I had just experienced. My oldest son had called to let me know that he planned to ask his girlfriend, his soulmate, to marry him. All mothers pray for this moment-that their children will meet the right person to share their life with. And, I was beyond thrilled about this news. Visions of a perfect wedding flashed through my mind. Suddenly, they stopped abruptly on my head-my hair, actually. I couldn’t see the beauty of the bride and groom. I only envisioned the wedding photos and how I would ruin them with my messed-up hair. That was the way I saw myself-a balding photobomber who ruined every photo, every video. This moment that should have been celebrated turned into panic.

Over two decades ago, about 18 months after the birth of my second son, I began dealing with permanent hair loss. Most women experience hair shedding after they deliver a baby due to changes in their hormonal chemistry, but that gradually reverses itself and they regain any lost hair. It’s not permanent. However, that wasn’t the case for me. My hair just didn’t stop shedding, and what came out never returned. So, I went to see my OB/GYN and she referred me to a connective tissue specialist for an appraisal of my condition. The doctor took a scalp biopsy and told me that I had Androgenic Alopecia-a genetic or pattern baldness experienced by both men and women. It is inherited from one or both parents and can be triggered by hormones at any time after puberty. Hair is lost at the front, top, and the crown of the scalp. The hair loss can vary from thinning to complete baldness. It is estimated that around 50% of women over the age of 65 experience female-pattern baldness.

lavivid wigs reviews
lavivid wigs reviews

Now knowing that I had Androgenic Alopecia, I had to slowly come to grips with the fact that most of the hair I lost wouldn’t be coming back. I stopped coloring my hair because I could see that the chemicals in the hair dye caused me additional issues-weakening the hand strands and creating more fallout. Having a fully gray head at that age left me looking older than I was and older than my friends. But, I just didn’t see any other alternative. I struggled to style my progressively thinning hair, pulling it back in a sparse ponytail for many years and wearing fabric headbands to hide my thinning hairline. Yet every day, I knew it was getting worse, and I wouldn’t be able to camouflage it any longer.

As it turned out, the engagement announcement was the moment that led me to search for a resolution to my problem. Hitting YouTube hard, I watched dozens of videos about hair loss, which led me to wigs and wig review videos. Seeing that wigs were NOT the sweaty, molded-cap designs they were in years past, I started to entertain the idea of purchasing one. Certainly, I would have to do it quickly if I was going to find a wig and get used to wearing one before my son’s wedding. I purchased my first wig. I immediately fell in love with her, and she was in a price range that seemed reasonable for a first wig. The day she arrived, I was SO nervous! What if I looked terrible in a wig? I would have to attend the wedding and find places to hide to avoid the photographer. I know that sounds so vain, but women count on their hair to create their look. Without it, you have to redefine your identity. It’s not easy to do without your hair!

Wearing a wig to my son’s wedding gave me courage and built back up the self-esteem I had lost so many years ago. I got many compliments on my “hair,” and when the wedding festivities were over, I was ready to add to my alternative hair collection.

That’s when I discovered UniWigs, specifically the LaVivid Collection. I began wearing LIZ, a short bob with silky Kanekalon fibers. Her color, Java Shimmered, was simply gorgeous! It looked like I had just walked out of the salon with a new haircut, color, and highlights! I also own Natalie in the color Shadow Chestnut, and I adore her too!

It is amazing to me how something as easy as wearing a wig can boost a person’s self-confidence so greatly. I only wish I had known how incredible this was going to feel years ago, not having to suffer so long.

Wigs for Wedding

I purchased this Carrie Wig to attend my best friend’s wedding ceremony. And I think I may accidentally steal the thunder from the bride. LOL becaused I ve got lots of compliments for my beautiful hair on that day. I chose the 01R Almond Frost, a Rooted Blond color, which matches my skin tone very well.And if you are caucasion girl, get the 01R – Almond Frost Color, Believe me !!!

wigs for wedding
wigs for wedding
blonde wigs
blonde wigs
synthetic hair
synthetic hair

This Carrie Wig fits me perfectly. I really love its hair density: not too thick, not too little, just the right amount of hair for me. When I took it out of the box, I am kind of worried about the shine. But in fact when I go out with my friends wearing this Carrie Wig, no one can tell I am wearing a wig.

LaVivid Wigs Complaints and Reviews

“If you prefer a style with a bit of layers, this is the one for you. This short style is so liberating! I don’t think that I have ever felt so confident and completely natural in a wig, before trying this style!!!This is a synthetic wig, but it looks very expensive and elegant. It is comfortable to wear in summer.Highly recommend!I will buy another one soon!” – Liz

“I usually wear long wigs in Winter and short wigs in Summer. This short wig is beautiful. I like fringe and I can make it with my hand on this wig.The wig style is fashion and fabulous. I love it.” – Kate

“I have several wigs and enjoy most of them. However, this one is my favorite. It never needs anything other than a shake and you are ready to go. I get compliments on it every time I wear it. I am considering getting another color. You can’t go wrong with this one!” – Halle

“Love it..looks like my own hair. Bought another for back up and because I used too strong of a hair spray and cannot now get back to original texture. Have used wig shampoo and conditioner which did not do anything to restore back to original state.
Customer Service has not responded to multiple emails for advice..very disappointing as they were helpful in the beginning.”- Kate

“I have PCOS and suffered hair loss for many years. I have to wear wigs and I have many wigs in my closet. This wig is one of my favourite. It’s very comfortable. Sometimes I wish to have bangs and it’s easily to fiddle with the front hair. I’m happy with it.”- Liz

“My friend has cancer at stage 4. I can’t imagine how she being told at that time. I know many people use wigs, So I bought this one for her. She loves it so much. Thanks God this wig helps her out.”- Halle